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Divorce Help | October 22, 2024

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Posts ByBrian Beltz, Author at Divorce Help

Married Your Soul(In)Mate?


When a person finds their soulmate, they expect to fall in love, get married and live a long life of wedded bliss.

But sometimes, things don’t turn out the way you expect them too. Sometimes, a person who was … Read More

Can Your Spouse Deliberately Default on a Mortgage During Divorce?


Sometimes, things get heated and downright nasty during a divorce.  There are all sorts of stories of spouses doing vindictive things to one another in an ever-escalating game of revenge one-upmanship.

Sure, you spouse may smash your TV, report you … Read More

Financial Tips for Men involved in Divorce


Going through a divorce is never easy and no amount of preparation can change that.  However, a tactical approach to the process, especially in regards to your finances, can help mitigate some of the damage and keep you on your … Read More

The Toll Sexting Takes on Marriage


In light of New York mayor hopeful, Anthony Weiner…. errr “Carlos Danger’s” unmanageable “sexting addiction,” we have delved into this bizarre trend to find out how sexting affects marriages and relationships.

Is it a playful activity that can improve marriages … Read More

Dealing With Divorce Remorse


We have all done it to some extent, haven’t we? We’ve gone back to exes after a breakup because we are blinded by rose-colored glasses and conveniently forget the ugly portions of our relationship that led to its demise. But … Read More

10 Ways to Win a Child Custody Battle


In the midst of all of the components and complexities of a divorce, the determination of child custody is likely one of the primary concerns of exes who have children together.

Don’t become disheartened if your child’s other parent has … Read More

6 Sleazy Apps and Sites for Cheating Spouses


A couple of decades ago you knew your mistress wanted you to come over when your phone would ring twice and then fall silent. The song “Knock Three Times” tells the story of a man asking a neighboring woman to … Read More

Top 7 Post-Divorce Vacation Locations


When the whirlwind of a divorce has left you exhausted and in low spirits, a trip out of town can be just the thing you need to clear your head and get back on track. It’s time to be a … Read More

9 Pitfalls of an Open Marriage


Open marriages – for some, they are the functional glue that holds a union together. For others, they’re the key ingredient that destroys a relationship. Non-monogamous marriages remain quite uncommon, even in today’s changing world, but people just can’t seem … Read More

Divorce Parties: Would You Attend?


Some call them “freedom parties” while other, less optimistic groups have dubbed them “celebrations of a miscarriage.” Whatever they may be, divorce parties are a growing trend.


They have all the fixings of bachelor and bachelorette parties. Feather boas … Read More