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Divorce Help | February 15, 2025

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Can Your Spouse Deliberately Default on a Mortgage During Divorce? - Divorce Help

Brian Beltz

Sometimes, things get heated and downright nasty during a divorce.  There are all sorts of stories of spouses doing vindictive things to one another in an ever-escalating game of revenge one-upmanship.

Sure, you spouse may smash your TV, report you for domestic violence, even cut the house in half-seriously, this happened – but can they deliberately default on a mortgage to get back at you?

The short answer is yes, but a longer explanation is needed.

According to Boston divorce attorney David Wilkinson, “If you discover your spouse is deliberately not paying a loan you are on then you can obtain an order in the Family Court to force the other spouse to make the monthly payments.  Generally, spouses owe a fiduciary duty to the other to act in the community’s best interest.  Thus, if the loan was incurred during the marriage, then the spouse occupying the residence is obligated to pay the mortgage.  The Family Court will not allow a spouse to reside in a family residence and deliberately not pay the mortgage.”

So there you have it.  Of course, your spouse CAN attempt to default on the mortgage out of spite – just like they CAN declare themselves the king or queen of England.  However, in most cases, an attorney and family law court can order and enforce them to either pay the mortgage or sell the house.

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