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Divorce Help | July 27, 2024

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Divorce Help - Page 7 of 7 - Divorce Information, News, Support

Top Five Reasons Couples Divorce


Why do some couples’ marriages last a lifetime, while others only last a few years, or even just a couple of months? Ahem. . . Kim Kardashian, Kid Rock, Britney Spears, the list goes on. With about half of America’s … Read More

7 Celebrity Marriages That Are Still Going Strong



With a different cheating scandal, shocking split and infamous divorce clogging gossip columns every day, we tend to forget about the celebrity marriages that last. Between the long hours, extensive travel time, on-set temptation and fan adoration that can … Read More

The 5 Keys to a Healthy Marriage


With the divorce rate in the United States hovering at about 47% couples are asking what they can do to secure a marriage that will stand the test of time. Marriages often collapse because partners heading down the path toward … Read More

The 5 Most Expensive Divorces of All Time

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Elin Nordegren and Katie Holmes step aside – your multimillion dollar settlements are pocket change compared to these other high-profile divorces. Marriages that go south in the public eye usually wear hefty price tags and can live in infamy. The … Read More