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Divorce Help | March 28, 2025

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How To Talk To a Future Spouse About Prenuptials | 4 Helpful Tips

How To Talk To Your Soon To Be Spouse about a Prenuptial Agreement
  • Contributing Author

Broaching the subject of a prenuptial agreement can be a daunting task for individuals. Aside from the stress and anxiety that these conversations can have on an individual, the conversation itself alludes to the notion that the marriage, which has yet to occur, may not survive and outlines the steps for division of assets.

To help facilitate how to approach the subject in a calm and composed manner, follow the four steps below:

Start The Conversation Early

No soon to be bride or groom wants to be caught by surprise with something as large as a prenuptial agreement. Think weddings are emotional – try furnishing your soon to be husband or wife with a prenuptial agreement on your wedding idea. Bad idea.

The better idea is to start the conversation as early as possible. Talk to your partner about how a prenuptial agreement can benefit the situation and protect assets.

Rather than waiting to discuss the very sensitive subject with a fiancée test the waters while the two are not yet engaged. If this is not an option, then discuss the conversation early in the engagement stages.

No one wants to be blindsided by these stressful discussions deep into the engagement process. Broaching the conversation on the front end can help alleviate unnecessary stress. A family attorney can help outline and navigate this conversation if necessary.

Discuss the Costs & Rewards

There are pros and cons of most situations and decisions that individuals and couples are required to make. Before you engage in these potentially stressful discussions, ensure that you have notes that outline the costs and rewards of a prenuptial agreement.

Also ensure that your soon to be spouse comes with notes prepared for the discussion. If the spouse that is being asked to sign a prenuptial agreement is uncomfortable or less than accommodating to so, it is important that the relationship partner be involved in the discussion and that their voice be heard.

A simple list can help outline the pros and cons of a prenuptial agreement. It also allows those involved in a relationship to voice any concerns with signing a prenuptial agreement, along with the reservations about this agreement.

After the discussion has adjourned, outline the pros and cons from both individuals involved in communication. Make a list of points both individuals agree on and what cannot be agreed upon. It may be best to rework a prenuptial agreement if one party is far from agreement with their significant other.

Discuss How A Prenuptial Agreement Can Help Down The Line

It may seem counterintuitive for some, but a prenuptial agreement can actually help couples in the event of a divorce.

It is human nature to focus on the immediate future, but if a couple can focus on potential scenarios further down the line they can actually uncomplicate and alleviate potential stressors in the event of a divorce.

Prenuptial agreements can alleviate high costs associated with divorce and make it less severe on the psyche and emotions.

Identify the Benefits for the Lower Earning Spouse

It may be intimidating if a soon to be spouse is presented with a prenuptial agreement, especially if that individual does not have as many financial resources as the other individual involved in the relationship.

Prenuptial agreements can help outline finances in the event of a divorce. Different states in the USA have different rules regarding how assets are split in a divorce.

For additional information about prenuptial agreements and drafting prenuptial agreements, discuss the benefits and cons with a family law attorney in your area.

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