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Divorce Help | July 27, 2024

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When is a Parent Awarded Sole Custody of a Child in California?


When a previously married couple is in the middle of a divorce and children are involved in the picture, a court must decide if shared custody or sole custody is awarded. Generally speaking the California courts will do everything in … Read More

How To Talk To Your Soon To Be Spouse about a Prenuptial Agreement


Broaching the subject of a prenuptial agreement can be a daunting task for individuals. Aside from the stress and anxiety that these conversations can have on an individual, the conversation itself alludes to the notion that the marriage, which has … Read More

How Can Mediation Help a Family Law Case in California?


Family law, like most legal cases involving loved ones, tend to be very stressful on the individuals involved in a case. While many of us think of trials going to court and playing out in a courtroom … Read More

What Is the Difference Between Legal Guardianship & Legal Custody


In certain instances people might substitute the term “legal guardianship” and “legal custody” for one another. However, these two terms are not interchangeable and in fact have different definitions in the family law legal realm. 

The difference between custody and … Read More

Changing the Locks During a Divorce


In most states, you are legally allowed to change the lock on your house at any time you want. However, this doesn’t automatically entitle you to exclusive property rights. When two people are married, they have equal rights to the … Read More

What Keeps a Relationship Going


With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, the idea of love and companionship is going to be heavily featured in the media and a hot topic on everyone’s mind. But what is the true definition of love? Is it … Read More

Safe Divorce: How to Safely Leave an Abuser


Power. Control. Isolation. Misplaced blame. Intimidation. Threats. Coercion. Violence. Does any of this sound familiar? If these terms accurately depict what goes on in your marriage, then you are likely a victim of domestic abuse. You aren’t alone – in … Read More