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Divorce Help | October 22, 2024

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How Can Child Custody Mediation Help My Custody Case?

  • Contributing Author

Mediation is a popular option that parties with conflicting goals can use to help resolve conflicts. In divorce and child custody cases, mediation is an option that can alleviate many of the stressors associated with family court. By opting to consult or hire a Mediation attorney, both parties can attempt, and oftentimes resolve, child custody cases without going to court. 

The mediation process is an outline designed for parents and children to form the parameters of how to parent separately. Essentially this process is designed for the best interests of the child, so do yourself, and the greater good of your ex and child or children a favor, and keep the biggest interests in mind – your children. In many states, family courts require that mediation is attempted before the family court hears the case. This is attributed to the courts not knowing what is best for the minor. By forming an open conversation to bridge communication between parents, children and mediators, a better solution can be formed for all parties involved. 

Many family courts encourage mediation sessions during divorce cases to help identify and formulate a parenting plan for the years to come. Mediation attorneys can help form a productive plan reflective of the best interests of the child or children. Since child custody arrangements are intended to have the best interests of the children in mind, these sessions can help alleviate confusion from the courts and accommodate days that work, or don’t work, for the parents of the children. 

Who Can Help Mediate a Child Custody Case? 

Mediation can be orchestrated by several different members in various professions. From family law attorneys, psychologists, licensed clinical social workers and other experts.  Generally speaking, these child custody mediators have a graduate degree in a related clinical field, are familiar with the processes of the family courts, and are familiar with the local community services that can benefit children and parents alike. It is important that the mediator be neutral, look at different options from an objective perspective and treat all parties with respect while putting the children, the one’s impacted the most, at the forefront of decision making. 

Generally speaking the mediator is there to meet with each of the parents, both of the parents, the parents and the children, or the children themselves. These mediators may also consult with important members of the community that possess a familiarity with the best interests of the child or children. These members may include teachers, doctors, daycare providers or other adults that know and are familiar with the children. 

Due to the importance of a mediator, in some local court systems, mediators can make recommendations to the judge pertaining to child custody and visitation options. If for any reason the two parents cannot agree upon the terms of a child custody case, the family courts may rely on a written recommendation or opinion from the mediator. However, dependent on the jurisdiction, mediation is confidential and they will abstain from a recommendation to the court. 

What Now?

Dependent on the locality of your area, you may be able to hire your own mediator to help establish a bridge of communication between you and your ex-spouse. The court can also direct mediators during this time. 

Some mediators offer free initial consultations to prospective clients in an attempt to help resolve these matters. If you are in need of a mediator, begin with a local search in your area for mediators. Many mediators help resolve conflict and expedite the road to a happier child custodial arrangement.  

See Also – 4 Helpful Tips To Navigate a Divorce In Southern California

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