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Divorce Help | October 22, 2024

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5 Questions To Ask Yourself When Considering Divorce - Divorce Help

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While most couples go into a marriage with the hopes it will last forever, unfortunately, most do not. It is estimated that 40 to 50 percent of marriages in the United States end in divorce. Over time, new lifestyle factors have contributed to the dissolution of legal unions and the normalcy of divorce. According to Indianapolis divorce attorney, Angela Trapp, “Divorce is a time of stress, uncertainty, and change.” 

But, that doesn’t necessarily mean divorce is for you. Have you felt unsure about what the right next step is for you? Or wondered if your concerns are minimal and you should just stick it out? Before you make any sudden moves, it’s important to consider the following questions to determine what is the best course of action for you and your marriage.

Do You Hide Your Real Self? 

In the early days of dating, it’s easy to find certain unique qualities or quirks charming. But do you now find yourself holding back in fear of upsetting your partner? If you feel as though you’re constantly walking on eggshells and feel as though you can’t be your authentic self, it might be time to reconsider your relationship. You should feel comfortable to express your opinions and show your true colors, not forced to hide them to avoid confrontation. 

Did They Stop Being Your Go-To Person?

Whenever you had an amazing day or received good news at work, your partner was one of the first people you’d call. But now it feels as though they are one of the last people you’d care to tell. Your partner should be one of the first people you want to share your life with, both good and bad. If you find yourself avoiding sharing your wins and losses with your spouse, you may want to rethink your choice of a life partner.

Are You Constantly Wondering If You Should Go?

Recently, the single life has become more appealing. A small apartment decorated exactly how you want and the ability to come and go as you please without having to answer to anyone. If you’ve been fantasizing about living a life without your partner, it may be time to look at why this dream life is starting to take over.

Do You Worry What Your Friends Will Think?

One of the major factors of divorce that people worry about is what others will think of their decision. Some may feel restricted by their family’s religious background or their friends’ opinions. Do not base your decision for staying in an unfulfilling relationship on what other people think. Regardless of your friends, families, and acquaintances, your opinion is the most important. 

Have You Been Unfaithful?

If you’ve been involved in an emotional or physical extramarital affair, it might be time to come clean and pull the plug on your marriage. Infidelity can be deeply hurtful for all parties involved and it’s best to let the non-participating party exit the marriage to find their own happiness. Filing for divorce is a difficult process from start to finish. If you’re considering filing for divorce, it’s important to dig deep and ask yourself the hard questions before making this life-changing decision. For more information on the divorce process

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